I was quite excited when I saw this game in the AppStore, since I love to play the similar game "Bookworm". The gameplay is quite similar, with the advantage that you can see the value of each tile - either 1,2 or 3 depending on how frequently the letter is used (in the English language). Unfortunately there are a couple of drawbacks with make the game not much fun. First, the appearance of letters seems to be a rather poor random number generator, with strings of Vs or Js appearing consecutively. Also, it appears that each of the 26 letters appears equally often, and not according to that letters frequency in the language. Thus the game quickly clogs down, allowing only 3 or 4 letter words. Secondly, a wildcard only appears when there are none on the board and only when you enter a three letter word. It would be nice if more than one would appear, and if long words were rewarded rather than short. This meant I was never able to test how extensive the dictionary is. Appart from this, the game looks good and the interface is smooth. So come on 99Games, tweek the random number generator please!
JeffT33 about WordsWorth Pro